Creative Retainership

The concept of Creative (Graphic and Web Design) Retainer, on a long term, is to provide you discounted rates and lesser overhead. It reduces repetitive estimates and negotiations on a per-project basis as we will simply agree on a monthly fee. Such creative services are paid prior to the month ahead and the scope of work executed are outlined within an Agreement.

Typically, without employing a full support team, designers and developers are sought on project basis with different key people working on their own timeline. Their visions, skills, expertise and care for your brand depend on the negotiated budget, without the continuity of expertise and rapport of trust. This practice saves pockets but ultimately destroys brand visions, directions, consistency and customer rapport. A full-time design agency also offers retainer agreements depending on packages you choose; and it gets more expensive with every click of a mouse.

I work on a set of deliverables basing on how many projects we can accomplish each month to reach your goals. We will agree to focus on what has to be done rather than how much each project is done. Most importantly, you only need to talk to one person who will take care of your visual requirements, making a consistent voice to your business’ marketing.

Dedicated Support, fixed monthly fee


We will establish significant and consistent presence that affects how your business is perceived by customers.
• Logo
• Brand Manual
• Identities and more

Graphic Design

Let’s translate your ideas into attractive, understandable and consistent creative communications.
• 2 Active Projects per week
• 2 Days Turnover
• Unlimited Revisions

Professional Website

Level the playing field with a professional representation of your business instantly accessed anywhere.
• 100% Custom Design Wordpress
• Device Responsive
• Free in-house dedicated VPS

Social Media Creatives

Leverage the power of social media to connect with your audience by providing meaningful and note-worthy content.
• Campaign-based
• Twice a week posting material
• Page cover and photos


Let’s translate your ideas into clear, effective communications for marketing and advertising.
• Attractive headlines
• Relatable content
• Invoke action

Planning & Strategy

Let’s conceptualize together for your campaigns, research, strategies and executions.
• Weekly synergy meetings
• Campaign strategies
• Short & long term planning

How it works

We will discuss at least once a week to synergize our goals. We’ll always repeat this process to keep coordinated.

Discuss what you need

Make as many requests as you need. I’ll work through them and prioritize the pipeline with you.

Give feedback, get revisions

I’ll need clear feedback so we can promptly work on the revisions. The more I understand you and your business, we will be able to minimize future revisions.

Approve and download

Once you’re happy with the outcome, I’ll send over the file through email or a downloadable link from your cloud folder.